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Printing and Downloading Questionnaires
Christina Farrow avatar
Written by Christina Farrow
Updated over 6 years ago

Once questionnaire recipients have submitted their completed questionnaire, you'll receive both an in-app notification and an emailed notification, both of which will include a link so that you can view the completed questionnaire within your account in Aisle Planner. ย 

You can also view their answers by clicking directly back into the questionnaire from within the respective lead record or client tab within their project.

To print a questionnaire or save it as a PDF, click on the gold Preview & Print link located to the right of the recipient's name, and follow your web browser's prompts to print or save this questionnaire as a PDF.

If You Sent This Questionnaire To Multiple Recipients

If you sent this document to multiple recipients, you'll see the option to toggle between each recipient's completed questionnaire to the right. You can also preview and print (which also provides a save to PDF option) each recipient's questionnaire here by clicking on the Preview and Print link and following your web browser's prompts tp print or save this questionnaire as a PDF. ย 

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