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5 More Things You Can Do Before Inviting A Client Into Aisle Planner
5 More Things You Can Do Before Inviting A Client Into Aisle Planner

Ideas to help your clients feel right at home in their project, right from the start

Christina Farrow avatar
Written by Christina Farrow
Updated over 8 months ago

As a wedding pro, one of the most important things you can provide your clients is a positive planning experience tailored to their individual needs. Each event is unique (as is each client), and one of the great things about Aisle Planner is that it allows you to create a planning experience that really speaks to the needs of each individual project. So we wanted to break down some of Aisle Planner’s best-fit features for making your client feel like you’ve rolled out a big, fat, red carpet with their name written all over it (so get ready for some serious praise, you genius, you).

Once you’ve created a wedding in Aisle Planner, we recommend doing a few things to prepare before inviting your client:

1. Visit the checklist and tailor it to fit your client’s needs.

If you’ve already set up your planning templates, your checklist will be in line with how you’ll walk this client through your planning process (but it’s always nice to scan through the checklist and make any necessary adjustments). Remove any unnecessary checklist items. For example, if you know they aren’t hiring a videographer, you can scrap that (and its related items) from the checklist. If their ceremony and reception venue is one in the same, make those updates as well.

Fine tuning your planning checklist in advance of inviting in your client will help streamline the process, minimize confusion and—most importantly—make your clients feel oh-so special. Once your checklist is prepared, don’t forget to release it out of Preparation (or Prep) Mode—otherwise, your clients won’t be able to see the checklist when they login for the first time. 

Don’t feel like spending the time doing this for each of your new clients? Totally fine (you’re in a judgment-free zone over here at AP). The most positive planning experiences happen when you manage client expectations, so be sure to let them know that you’re working off of your default checklist, and you’ll adjust and revise as you go based on their specific needs.

2. Visit the Design Studio for extra client-love points.

Create a few style guides and color palettes to get them started. It’s always nice to show your clients that you’ve taken the time to prepare, and who doesn’t love a little eye candy? 

Have they already booked their venue? Create a style guide and upload images of the venue for easy reference throughout the planning process. Have they already selected their bridesmaids dresses or groomsmen attire? Create a style guide and upload images of their selected attire, along with ideas for accessories if they haven’t nailed those down yet. Have they sent you inspirational images to kickstart their planning process? Create a style guide for the wedding’s overall aesthetic and start to define their visual preferences for the design process to come.

Once you’ve started some style guides, why not have some fun and create a color palette or two? Have your clients already shared their official wedding colors with you? Create a preliminary color palette, or at least save a handful of swatches to “My favorites” so your clients aren’t greeted with an empty space the first time they walk through your design studio’s door. And, when you’re ready, don’t forget to release the Design Studio from Prep Mode.

3. Update any of the events you’ll be tracking in Aisle Planner.

Has the engagement party already past? Remove it as an event. Has your couple decided they won’t host a post-wedding brunch? Remove these as events to simplify the guest manager. Learn more about removing events from your guest manager HERE. Conversely, are there additional events your client would like to track the guest list for? Add them in now so your couple will be all set up for creating and managing their guest lists in Aisle Planner. Learn more about how to add events to your guest manager HERE. Once you’re all set, release the guest manager from Prep Mode.

4. Dive into your notes section and add a note or two.

This can be a really simple (and easy) way to show your clients you’re thinking about them. Maybe it’s a welcome note, the start of an ongoing packing list or a recap of some of the things you discussed in your first consultation meeting. Personalized notes are a great way to kick off planning on a high, well, note (and remember to release the notes section from Prep Mode).

5. These are all great ways to prep Aisle Planner for your clients, but don’t forget about prepping your clients for Aisle Planner.

Feel free to share with them as many details as you’d like in advance of inviting them into their project on Aisle Planner. Let them know what to expect and how they can interact with AP’s features to get the best out of their digital planning experience. If nothing else, we recommend that you at least give them a heads up that you’ll be providing them access to their online client lounge (and telling them to be on the lookout for an emailed invitation).

We've put together some great ideas on ways to introduce and onboard your clients into their project on Aisle Planner HERE

Well, we hope you’re ready to receive some serious praise (queue the tear-jerking thank-you notes), because it’s sure to come your way if you properly prep your client’s planning platform.

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