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🎥 Onboarding Your Clients Onto Aisle Planner

Video Tutorial / Webinar: Ideas to help you introduce your clients to your online client portal

Christina Farrow avatar
Written by Christina Farrow
Updated over 2 years ago

In this webinar, we talk about how to introduce your clients to Aisle Planner and helping them experience the value of having their very own online planning portal. 

*Please note: Some of the screens shown in this video have been updated and may look a little different, but we think you'll still find the information in this tutorial super helpful!

Don't have time to watch the entire webinar?  Here's some helpful shortcuts:

2:30 - First Impressions - Ways to Introduce Your Clients to Aisle Planner before they've even booked you

3:33 - Working Aisle Planner into your marketing and pre-booking approach to encourage clients to book you (and some great examples!)

8:50 - Sharing how your clients benefit from working with you with a Client Login page

10:00 - Making a great first impression - sharing more information with perspective clients about you and your services with Aisle Planner's brochure feature - the first real experience your clients have with your client portal. 

15:18 - How to prep your couple's project in Aisle Planner before inviting couples in to help your clients get excited about using Aisle Planner (and introducing them to Aisle Planner) - it just takes a LITTLE bit of guidance!

28:20 - Sharing a welcome letter note with your clients. 

34:24 - Encouraging your clients to continue using AP throughout the entire planning process

37:30 - Giving your clients a tour of AP

48:40 - Adjusting Client Access, Privacy & Permissions

Setting Everyone Up For Success - tips to make getting started easy

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