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Tracking Vendor Invoices in Aisle Planner

Learn how to track vendor invoices, add payments schedules, set payment reminders, and sync to the budget here!

Christina Farrow avatar
Written by Christina Farrow
Updated over a week ago

You can track vendor invoices, payments schedules, and payments made from both the contacts and budget tabs within each event or project. Regardless of where you decide to add the invoiced amount and payment breakdown, we'll automatically sync information between the budget tab and the related vendor record for you. 

We'll walk you through tracking vendor invoices and payments from the contact manager below, but if you'd like to learn more about tracking vendor payments from the budget, click here.

To Track Vendor Invoices and Payments from the Contact Manager

Step 1:
Click into the vendor cont act record you'd like to track an invoice for. 

Step 2:
Click on the gold Add to Vendor button towards the top left of your screen, and select the Payment Schedule option.  

Step 3:
Next, specify whether or not you want this invoice to sync over to the budget.  

If you want to sync this invoice to the budget, select the On Budget, in Category option, and then choose the budget category you want to sync to using the drop down menu, then click Enter Invoice.

If you don't want to sync this invoice amount to the budget, select the Off Budget option, then click Enter Invoice.

Step 4:
You'll see a new section titled "Payment Schedule" to the lower left side of your vendor contact record. 

If you've chosen to sync this invoice to the budget, you'll next need to specify if this should be added as a new line item on your budget or if this should be synced to an existing line item (or line items) on your budget.  

Step 5:
Next, enter the total amount for this vendor invoice.  

**If there's a chance that this invoice total will change based on your final guest count, be sure to add a checkmark to specify that this invoice total is "Pending final guest count."  

Why? This tells the system to remind you that the balance payment is pending final guest count when it issues your final payment reminder, JUST in case you forget to update your total invoice number in Aisle Planner.

Step 6:
Now that you've added your total invoice amount, you'll see that we breakout the first payment for you, just below. 

If there's more than one payment (for example, deposit and a balance payment) edit payment #1 to reflect the deposit amount, and we'll automatically do the math for you and break out the second payment.

If there's additional payments (for example, a deposit, a midway payment and a balance payment), go ahead and edit payment #2 accordingly, and we'll automatically calculate and break out the balance for you. 

Tracking Payment Due Dates & Setting Automated Reminders

To track due dates for any payments, click on the gold calendar icon in the Due column, and use the calendar to set the due date.  Once you've set the due date, we'll automatically set reminders, which you can adjust as needed. 

Once you set a due date, we'll automatically sync this to your calendar for this project, and a payment reminder will also appear on your project dashboard and to the right of your budget when this payment is due within 30 days. 

Marking Tracked Vendor Payments as Paid

To mark any vendor payments that you are tracking as paid, return to this vendor contact and add a check in the checkbox under the Paid column. We'll automatically track the date that this invoice was marked as paid, but to update this date, click the date in the Paid On column and use the calendar picker to adjust as needed. 

You can also mark each payment as paid from the calendar for this project. 

When a payment is marked as paid, we'll automatically update the budget for you, and we won't send any further scheduled payment notifications.

Related Articles:

Learn more about how to track vendor invoices & payments from the budget tab here

Learn more about sending clients automated payment reminders for upcoming vendor invoices here.

Learn more about tracking expenses OFF of the budget here.

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