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Custom Styling for Lead Contact Forms

Customize your lead contact forms so they match the look and feel of your website with colors, font styles, and font sizes.

Christina Farrow avatar
Written by Christina Farrow
Updated over a week ago

Custom styling for your lead contact forms is available so when you embed your Lead Form, you can now choose custom colors and fonts to compliment your website. To active this feature, head to SETTINGS and then click on the LEADS tab. From there, choose CONTACT FORMS, the custom form you'd like to enhance, and then scroll down to CUSTOM STYLES. Click on SHOW CUSTOM STYLES and, voilà!, you can now add custom styling to your lead form!

Choose from a list of fonts, change the label font size of your headers, as well as custom choose the colors of your fonts, submit button and font, and background colors via the color picker, RGB values, or your unique hex code. 

While editing your form, scroll down to see the changes instantly. Want to start over, or default back to the Aisle Planner colors? Simply select CLEAR/RESET TO DEFAULT STYLES

Your contact form is now brand ready for your website!

Need help setting up your lead contact form and embedding it into your website? 

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