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An Intro to Aisle Planner Notifications
An Intro to Aisle Planner Notifications
Christina Farrow avatar
Written by Christina Farrow
Updated over 6 months ago

Notifications help you keep tabs on what's happening in your Aisle Planner account, and we offer in-app notifications as well as emailed notifications and desktop notifications so that you're always in the loop. Here is everything you need to know:

Notification Basics

  • Notifications are centered around two different areas:

    • Project-related notifications

    • Company-related notifications

  • There are two types of notifications:

    • In-app notifications

    • Emailed notifications

    • As a default, all available notifications are turned on

    • You can turn off notifications you don't need

    • You can turn off your emailed notifications but keep your in-app notifications

    • You can batch and schedule your email notifications

    • Notification defaults are set at the global level, but can be adjusted on a project by project basis.

  • Notifications are user-based, which means:

    • Any changes you make to your own notifications will not affect other user's notifications

    • Each user must manage their notifications separately within their own account

    • Users will only be notified if a notification is relevant to them, meaning they won't get notifications on items within Aisle Planner that they don't have access to or have permission to see.

Your In-App Notification Center

Your Notification Center is the hub for all in-app notifications.

  • If you have unread notifications, a red notification badge will appear towards the top right of your account, next to your name.

  • Click on the notification badge to access your in-app notification center.

  • There are three tabs in the Notification Center: My Focus, All My Tasks and All Notifications. Read on below to learn more about each tab!

My Focus Tab

  • When you click into the notification center, you're automatically dropped into the My Focus tab, which is designed to bring your attention towards pressing tasks and new/unread notifications. 

  • Important To-Do's include those tasks assigned to you that are past due AND have been starred/marked as priority. 

  • Most in-app notifications also serve as shortcuts - just click through the notification to take you to the relevant item that you're being notified about.

  • You can dismiss a notification from the My Focus tab of the Notification Center by clicking on the gold X that appears to the left of each notification on hover. Clicking through a notification also clears it from the My Focus tab.

  • Learn more about clearing unread notifications (as well as clearing ALL unread notifications) in the My Focus tab here.

All My Tasks Tab

  • This tab provides an overview of all your assigned tasks across all of your events, projects and leads.

  • From this tab, you can mark tasks off as completed, set or adjust due dates, reassign tasks and add comments to specific checklist items.

  • At the top of the All My Tasks tab, you'll see a designated area for general tasksperfect for adding and keeping track of tasks that may not pertain to a specific project or lead. You can add tasks here, set due dates and assign tasks to others in your organization. Other members of your organization will only be able to see general tasks that have been assigned to them.

All Notifications Tab

  • This tab provides an ongoing list of ALL of your notifications.

  • Notifications no longer shown in the My Focus tab of your notification center can be found here.

  • Notifications highlighted in yellow are new notifications that have not yet been read or marked as read.

  • Clicking through an unread notification in the All Notifications tab will automatically mark is as read.

  • Learn more about clearing all unread notifications here.

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