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🎥 Setting Up Your Lead Contact Form

Video: Bring in leads automatically with your customizable lead contact form

Christina Farrow avatar
Written by Christina Farrow
Updated over a week ago

Aisle Planner's Lead Contact Forms are easy to set up and put your booking process on the road to automation. Here are the steps!

Step 1:  Configure Your Lead Settings

We know you’re excited to dive right into customizing your Lead Contact Form but, we want to be sure that your lead manager is set up to maximize its potential for you and your business when used in tandem with your lead contact forms, so this is where to start. 

To access your Lead Settings, click on the Settings tab towards the top right of your Pro Dashboard and then on Leads. Then work your way through each of the five sections shown below, from the top down. Here are links with additional information for each section below:

Pro Tip: You can also access shortcuts to all your lead settings via the Actions button from your lead manager.

Step 2: Set Up Your Custom Fields

While we already include fields to track core information for each lead, you can add custom fields to your lead records so that you can track any additional information that's important to you - if you plan on creating custom contact forms to request additional information beyond our core fields,  you'll want to take some time to set up your custom fields here. If the core fields are enough, skip on down to Step 3 below, but if you'd like to set up your custom fields, click on the Custom Fields tab to the left side of your Lead Settings.

We'll walk you through the basics in this short tutorial.

Step 3: Set Up Your Contact Form 

After you've configured your settings and have set up your custom fields, you’re finally ready to set up your Lead Contact Form.

We'll walk you through each step in this short tutorial!

*Please note: Some of the screens shown in this video have been updated and may look a little different, but we think you'll still find the information in this tutorial super helpful!

References to your Business Settings in this video are now located here:

Step 4:  Publish Your Lead Contact Form

To publish your Lead Contact Form, simply check the box next to “Publish Page” when you are ready. Uncheck that box to un-publish your Lead Contact Form at any time.

Step 5:  Link your Lead Contact Form to your website OR embed your Lead Contact Form into your website

To put your lead capture form on your website simply copy your custom URL and link it to or on your contact or inquiries page. 

You can also embed your lead contact form by using the embed code that is provided for each contact form in your account once you've published it.

A Few Notes About Our Lead Contact Forms

  • Any inquiry that comes your way via the lead contact form will automatically be added to your lead manager

  • When a new inquiry is submitted, you’ll receive an email with all the details. This way, you know whether each lead is one you want to respond to quickly (big budget, full service prospect) or if there’s no rush (tinier than tiny budget, full service prospect)

  • If the inquiry includes a message, it will be documented into the general Note area of a lead record

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