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Closing An Invoice

Need to Close an Invoice? We'll show you how here!

Christina Farrow avatar
Written by Christina Farrow
Updated over a week ago

Closing an invoice allows you "cancel the invoice" without deleting it, which preserves any historical information (including any payments made, method of payment and when) that you need to keep for any future reference or audits.

How To Close an Invoice

  1. Click into the invoice that you'd like to close.

  2. Click on the gold action/arrow button towards the top right of your screen.

  3. Click on the Close Invoice button and reconfirm that you'd like to close this invoice. 

That said, if you have an active invoice with a deposit or payment paid on it and that client has postponed or cancelled, just CLOSE it. If a postponed client returns later, you can always reopen that invoice, update the invoice (change date fees, adjust balance payment dates), republish the invoice and pick up where you left off.

When an invoice is completely paid off, you'll just want to leave it be, since it is automatically moved out of the CURRENT folder, so nothing you need to do there.

Things To Note

  • Closing an invoice doesn't delete or remove any payments previously made on this invoice or affect any payments or transactions from your payment reports.

  • Closing an invoice will move the invoice out of the Current Tab and into the "All" tab, with a status of Closed.

  • Closing an invoice cancels any upcoming/future payments and any associated automated payment reminders that would go out to you or your client.

  • Closing an invoice will treat the unpaid balance as forgiven.

  • You can always reopen a closed invoice if needed.

  • We recommend that you never DELETE invoices that you, your bookkeeper/accountant or an audit team may need to reference at a later time, and never delete an invoice if it has a payment made on it. When you delete an invoice, it deletes EVERYTHING, including any record of that invoice, any payments associated with that invoice, and any invoice activity.

Why Close an Invoice?

There may be a few different reasons why you would close an outstanding invoice, but typically we see two scenarios:

  1. A client has postponed their project or event, but plans to pickup where they left off down the road. When that client returns later, you can always reopen that invoice, update the invoice (change date fees, adjust balance payment dates), republish the invoice and pick up where you left off.

  2. You will not continue working with a client and they have outstanding payments on an invoice that don't need to be made.

Related Articles:

Reopening a Closed Invoice
Deleting an Invoice

You can also find all help articles regarding Aisle Planner's invoicing and online payments feature here.

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