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Auto-Generate Quote and Invoice Numbers
Auto-Generate Quote and Invoice Numbers

Automate the small stuff. Let us keep track of your quote and invoice numbers so you don't have to.

Christina Farrow avatar
Written by Christina Farrow
Updated over a week ago

Author Caroline Webb writes, “Decision making is tiring for your brain’s deliberate system, whether the stakes are big or small." So, to help you save brain-power for higher-level thinking, let us help you keep track of your quote and invoice numbers with Aisle Planner's auto-numbering feature.

📣 Here's the 411, folks!

If you created your account recently, you'll notice that we're already enabled auto-numbering for you as the default, but if your account isn't already enabled for auto-numbering OR if you want to customize how your auto-numbers are shown, read on below!

Below you will find the steps to take to get your auto-numbering enabled as well as FAQs addressing some of the nitty-gritty.


You can do this in one of two places: Quote Templates or Invoices Templates. They are mirror images of one another, so what you do on one page will automatically update the other page.

For the sake of this tutorial, let's head on over to your Invoice Templates page by clicking on the Templates tab within your Settings menu and then clicking on the Invoice option in the left-hand column. This is where you will streamline your quote and invoicing process by enabling auto-numbering for your quotes and invoices.

Simply click the Enable Auto-Numbering box. You will notice in the Starting Number field we automatically begin with 0001. Start your numbering system here or your can enter your own starting number. In addition, you can also choose your own naming convention by entering it in the Number Format field. Indicate where you'd like to see the number of your quote or invoice by adding the merge field "{{NUMBER}}" to the number format.

Here's an example:

If you type "5001" as the Starting Number and then type "To La Lune - {{NUMBER}} - 2020" in the Number Format, the invoice number will appear like this on your first invoice:

To La Lune - 5001 - 2020

Each quote or invoice that is produced here on out while auto-numbering is enabled, will increment by 1. So, your next quote or invoice will look like this:

To La Lune - 5002 - 2020

Got it? Great! 😄


With auto-numbering enabled, create a new quote or invoice and see your creation come to life. It really is that easy! 🥳

But, questions do arise and below you'll find the answers to the most common:

Auto-Numbering FAQs

  • Do all users have the ability to enable quotes and invoice numbers?
    No. Only if a company's team member has template permissions will they be able to enable or disable auto-numbering. Company owners will always have the ability to enable or disable quote and invoice numbers.

  • What do I see if auto-numbering is enabled when I create a quote or invoice?
    The quote or invoice number field will be filled in with the default quote/invoice number (0001), the starting number you indicated, or a combination of the starting number and number format you entered.

  • What happens if I disable auto-numbering?
    The Starting Number and Number Format field contents will be hidden; however, if you choose to re-enable auto-numbering, we will plug in the next number of the last invoice number it created while auto-numbering was enabled. For example, say auto-numbering was enabled and the last quote or invoice created was 0003 before you disabled auto-numbering. Even if you manually create invoices for a number days, weeks, months, or years into the future, when you enable auto-numbering, the next number that will populate the Starting Number field will be 0004. You can easily change this to whatever starting number you would like. The Number Format field will also remember your naming convention at the time this feature was disabled.

  • What do I see if auto-numbering is disabled when I create a quote or invoice?
    The quote or invoice number field is blank. You will be required to enter a quote or invoice number before it can be edited.

  • With auto-numbering disabled, what happens if I enter a number that's already been used for either a quote or invoice?
    We will let you know the number has already been used and prompt you to enter a new quote or invoice number.

  • With auto-numbering enabled, what happens if the Starting Number set at the template level is already a number that was previously used?
    Here's something neat—For all quotes and invoices created, we search all your past quote and invoice numbers to make sure we aren't creating any accidental duplicates. With auto-numbering enabled, we will populate the Quote or Invoice Number field with the next available number in the sequence.

  • Why does auto-numbering work for both quotes and invoices? Aren't they two separate things?
    In Aisle Planner, when you create a quote and that quote as been accepted by your client, you can then turn that quote into an invoice. The quote number is therefore turned into the invoice number. Now there's a link between the quote and invoice. This is the only time a quote and invoice can share the same number.

  • Why can't I edit my quote or invoice number when I am editing the quote or invoice?
    With auto-numbering disabled, once a quote has been sent or an invoice has been published, you cannot change the quote or invoice number. With auto-numbering enabled, you will not be allowed to edit the quote or invoice number. If you wish to edit the quote or invoice number while auto-numbering is enabled, you will need to disable auto-numbering and create a new invoice. Note—You can still edit the quote or invoice name whether auto-numbering is enabled or disabled.

  • I swear I had quote and invoice numbers set at the template level. Where did they go?
    Quote and Invoice numbers that were once visible in the quote and invoice template view are now disabled and previously entered content cleared. For us to offer you this amazing feature, removing the ability to edit numbers at the template level was necessary. You'll also notice if you try to edit your quote or invoice number at the template level, you will be informed you can set your quote or invoice number on the invoice templates index page.

  • What happens if I delete a quote or invoice while auto-numbering is enabled?
    Once a number is used, it will not be used again and the auto-numbers will continue to climb. If you would like to reuse a number from a deleted invoice, you can do so by disabling auto-numbering, creating your quote or invoice with that number, and then re-enabling auto-numbering again.

  • So, what's the take away here?
    Save your brain-power and keep auto-numbering enabled! 🧠

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