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🎥 Adding Pro Users on your Team to Projects

Pick and choose the weddings or projects that each user on your pro account has access to

Christina Farrow avatar
Written by Christina Farrow
Updated over a week ago

Once you’ve added other members of your organization to your Aisle Planner account, you have the option to set which weddings/projects they can see and have access to. There are two ways that you can provide a member of your team access to one or more projects:

  • You can add them from your Settings on your Pro Dashboard, OR

  • Adding them from within each Project

We'll walk you through adding your team members to a project both ways in this short video!

*Please note: Some of the screens shown in this video have been updated and may look a little different, but we think you'll still find the information in this tutorial super helpful!

Adding a Member of Your Organization to a Project (or Projects) from Your Business Settings Menu

To provide any of your team members access to any weddings or projects you’ve created from your Pro Dashboard:

  1.  From your pro dashboard, click on the Settings icon towards the top right of your pro dashboard

  2.  Click on Users

  3.  Locate the pro user, then click on the Projects link beneath their name. From there, select the projects you’d like to give them access to.

Adding a Member of Your Organization to a Project from Within A Project

To provide any of your team members access to any weddings or projects you’ve created from within a project:

  1.  From your Pro Dashboard, click into the project you'd like to add your team members to.  

  2. Click on the 3-dot more menu towards the top right of this project, then select the Planning Partners option from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click on the gold Add Org Member button towards the top right of your screen, and select the team member you'd like to add to this project.

  4. Once you've added them, you'll see the option to add their role for this project, or other notation as needed!

Please Note:  You'll need to add other members of your organization to your company account in Aisle Planner before you can add them to a project.  Learn more about adding pro users to your pro account here.

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